This sprint we delivered 49 points, for the coming sprint we have scheduled 43 points.
## Defects & Features completed (Ready for Showcase/Shipping/Done) during Sprint ending 2013-06-26 ##
#775 F - X-CS pageview counts for June 2013 Amit Kapoor - Wikipedia Zero Done (1)
#765 F - Implement Authentication with OAuth Frank Schulenburg - Grantmaking Showcasing (3)
#764 F - Wikipedia Zero pageview count May 2013 Amit Kapoor - Wikipedia Zero Done (2)
#758 F - Counts for new/repeat uploaders on Commons Howie Fung - Product (General) Showcasing (5)
#746 F - Run Arabic cohort analysis Frank Schulenburg - Grantmaking Showcasing (1)
#738 D - Cronjob fails new mobile pageview report Diederik van Liere - Analytics Shipping (3)
#727 F - Breakdown of WLM uploads by country Community - Analytics Done (8)
#710 F - Restrict people to only see the cohorts they have created Jessie Wild - Learning & Evaluation Showcasing (3)
#698 F - Metrics User interaction Jessie Wild - Learning & Evaluation Showcasing (2)
#547 F - Replace varnishncsa with varnishkafka Analytics Team - Analytics Done (8)
#244 F - Track user adoption of Wikipedia Zero Amit Kapoor - Wikipedia Zero Showcasing (5)
#131 I - Puppetize + Debianize Kafka 0.8 Diederik van Liere - Analytics Showcasing (8)
## Current Sprint (ending 2013-07-10) ##
Stories in progress from last sprint:
#716 F - Debianization of dClass-dev and dClass-dev-jni (5) requested by Ops
#719 I - Cleanup duplicate loglines (5) requested by Diederik (Analytics)
#738 F - Cronjob fails new mobile pageview report (N/E) requested by Diederik (Analytics)
#469 F - Comparison of different pageview definitions (8) requested by Mobile (Tomasz)
New stories:
#700 F - Port static cohort user interaction (3) requested by E3/Grantmaking
#705 F - Port over of Bytes added metric (5) requested by Product
#760 I - Debianize Librdkafka requested by (3) Analytics/Ops
#777 F - Varnishkafka output format (N/E) requested by Analytics/Ops
#781 F - Monthly Reportcard May 2013 (1) requested by Erik Moeller
#696 F - Porting over of the request logic (5) requested by E3/Grantmaking
#766 F - Zero Dashboard for Pageview Metrics (5) requested by Wikipedia Zero
(Number in parentheses) = estimate of complexity
N/E = not estimated;
F = Feature
D = Defect
I = Infrastructure Task
S = Spike
If you have any questions, comments or feedback: please let us know!