Hi Pine,

Here's some documentation on the Analytics Team's methodology, and particularly the point scale:

This morning the team tasked out some high priority features we need to build and then voted on how many points to assign to each story.  At our sprint planning meeting, we used the points to inform us on how much work we can commit to accomplishing in the next Sprint based on past Sprint velocity: http://sb.wmflabs.org/t/analytics-developers/

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Dan Garry <dgarry@wikimedia.org> wrote:
In Agile methodologies, story points are arbitrary unit [1] of measurement for the difficulty of completing a story. The number of points a story has correspond, roughly, to the amount of time the story will take to complete. Story points are decided by the team of engineers implementing the story.


On 16 October 2014 17:15, Pine W <wiki.pine@gmail.com> wrote:
I apologize if this is an elementary question, but what are points used to quantify when doing analytics development and how are points assigned?


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Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation

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