Thank you for the update. No one from our team is on the mailing list, and we have not viewed the /other/analytics page before (only the
pagecounts-all-sites page and pages linked from there), which explains why we didn't know about this. I do see you recently added a link to Phabricator issue though, which is helpful!
I am currently rewriting our scripts to utilize the new pagecounts-ez format, although I think that this new format means that we will be taking up more Wikimedia bandwidth than we did previously, since we will have to re-downoad this merged daily file once per hour in order to utilize the hourly stats. Previously, we only had to download ~100MB per hour, and now it seems we'll be downloading ~350MB per hour. Please correct me if I'm missing something obvious here!
Also want to say that we're very thankful for the work you all are doing publishing this dataset, it's enormously useful for entity popularity in our
search engine for publishers.