I raised this at the scrum of scrums today.  The thing to realize is that it's very hard to communicate about these kinds of changes cross-functionally.  So Ryan, who represents Mobile, was not aware of the change that affected hits to Special:HiddenBanner.  I asked if people could think about this as an example and use it to inform the kinds of things they bring up at the scrum of scrums in the future, but we all have to realize that this is hard to do.

One approach would be to create a "Maybe-Analytics" project in phabricator and have people liberally use it.  We could then take turns going through that queue and untagging tasks if we don't see a connection or have completed our investigation.  Kind of a higher volume lower fidelity version of scrum of scrums that we could incorporate into the organization's daily mode of operation [1].

[1] yes I don't like speaking in dead languages :P

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 2:06 AM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Oliver Keyes, 06/02/2015 22:04:
- Platform, Operations, Mobile, you
name it - keep us in the loop about changes that they make.

Or, you know, made their code load stuff from w/index.php.


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