Fran, the preview to which you refer, I think that's for the Page Previews feature (i.e., when a user hovers over a link on desktop Wikipedia) or its corresponding feature in the the Wikipedia for Android (triggered by default on link tap) and Wikipedia for iOS (force press) apps, is that right? Are you saying that browser-based prefetch activity (e.g., with resource hinting like ) is also tagged the same way?
Chenqi Zhu, I think what you're suggesting is the possibility that browsers might be issuing HTTP prefetches for Wikimedia-hosted pages and that could inflate pageviews. I'm not sure, but have you happened to observe user agents making prefetches when resource hinting ( ) is absent? I'm not sure how often, if at all, discovery platforms like search engines are actually placing resource hints into markup (which is mostly deterministic as far as browser behavior) for Wikimedia content...nor to what degree there might be heuristics being used for prefetching independently of any resource hints. Do you have any data or field observations to help clarify?