And as far as I can see it has not changed (greatly) before and after the 7th. Does this throughput rate match what you see on the database? If so, I would say db matches incoming stream. Now, if it doesn't (somehow the db has less data) we might have a problem. However, dropped events when inserting on the db will affect all countries equally so I doubt these will be the source of the discrepancy.
Are there a bigger number of events that might not be validating for other wikis versus China?
Logs are at: stat1002:/a/eventlogging/archive and the all-events log will have every single one of your events received. Please note that events are not inserted right away when received, there is a buffer of couple minutes.
>This balance shifting over time is really problematic for tracking Media Viewer client-side network performance, because Chinese >traffic suddenly accounting for a bigger or smaller share of the overall recorded events creates big swings in the global >averages/percentiles (since network performance in China is bad).
Wouldn't this happen if your product is "more used" in china than elsewhere? If you are counting "absolute" values you will be always skewed to the biggest dataset unless you are doing some kind of scaling.