Hi Stephen,
Traffic breakdown by country reports are still operational.
Updates were overdue. Sorry.
I generated reports for June/July today.
From: Analytics [mailto:analytics-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Nuria Ruiz
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 20:16
To: Stephen LaPorte; A mailing list for the Analytics Team at WMF and everybody who has an interest in Wikipedia and analytics.
Subject: Re: [Analytics] Analytics dashboards by country
Please direct questions such as this one to analytics@ as you will get a faster response.
>Back when stats.wikimedia.org was being actively updated, we relied on the pageviews per country reports as evidence during some of our trademark applications.
We still use stats.wikimedia.org and we will not replace it completely for quite some months. The new dashboards are "flashier" but data source is the same for both places when it comes to pageviews.
Seems to me that this report has the most up-to-date data and you can use it to prioritize trademark registrations: https://stats.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/squids/SquidReportPageViewsPerCountryBreakdown.htm
See note " Feb 2016: This report has been upgraded"
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Stephen LaPorte <slaporte@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Nuria,
I have some questions about the views/unique devices per country stats in the analytics dashboards here: https://analytics.wikimedia.org
Back when stats.wikimedia.org was being actively updated, we relied on the pageviews per country reports as evidence during some of our trademark applications. Local trademark authorities usually ask us to provide evidence that we have readership in their country over a certain time period. We used to be able to print these stats from the stats portal -- will we be able to do something similar in the analytics dashboards? We also used the total views per country to choose how we prioritize trademark registrations in the places where we have more readership. Is there a dashboard to see countries ranked by views?
I really like the new graphs and data available in the dashboards. I'm happy to see that we're updating the place where we track this sort of important data.
Stephen LaPorte
Senior Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
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