Thank you very much! You really did a great job here.
On Tue Jan 14 2014 at 3:02:18 PM, Christian Aistleitner <> wrote:
Hi Denny,

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 09:50:24PM +0000, Denny Vrandečić wrote:
> And we are sure that the patch did have no other consequences than remove
> these requests,

I am pretty convinced that the webstatscollector patch does only what
it is supposed to do. Andrew and Erik looked over the patch, but
please have a look at the patch yourself:

Just to be sure it that the patch does the right thing, I also added a
short test harness and added test cases to make sure the change does
not misbehave. See the bottom part of:

The patch has the known short-coming of handling only non-localized
versions of the Special:CentralAutoLogin requests. But the localized
versions were very, very few in number, and discussion was already
ongoing to no longer localize them, as localization was causing
problems for Ops as well. In the meanwhile, localizing
Special:CentralAutoLogin has been removed:

> [...] i.e. a recalculation would lead to the same numbers, I
> assume.

Erik Z did the patching of the files back then.
I did recalculate the data and it looked good back then.

But since we were also concerned that ... maybe we overlooked
something ... I recomputed the trends that wikistats exposed once
again directly from the cache logs (using the wikistats pageview
definition). And it matches the picture wikistats shows for the last
months. So I also arrived at the different patterns of ruwiki, ptwiki,
eswiki, kowiki, ...

There are many other possible sources of problems (and general room
for improvement), but to me, employing the wikistats pageview
definition to either the stored cache logs or the stored
webstatscollector data, we really arrive changes that wikistats is

Best regards,

---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
                           Companies' registry: 360296y in Linz
Christian Aistleitner
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