Thanks Steven, good timing!
Nuria and I are in the middle of thinking this through and coming up with a proposal for an internal dashboarding tool that would replace Limn. Wikimetrics is starting to produce standard metrics for all projects daily [1], and we need a dashboarding solution soon.
Tessera, dashing, hosted solutions, etc. are tempting, but not quite right using the criteria we have so far. One of the main pain points of Limn was that it is so separated from our mediawiki world. So one of the primary design goals so far has been to create a serverless tool that uses mediawiki as a service to store metadata, authentication / authorization, version control, etc. Tessera, for example, has its own implementation of these things using Flask and MySQL. Having gone down a similar route with Limn, I feel like it's not quite what we're looking for. That said, we haven't started any official work on it, it's been mostly a research and pet project for the last few days.
We have lots of things to consider, but you bring up a good point - should we have a broader design session before we get too far? Should we get to some prototype state and then have a discussion? Now would be the time to speak up if you have opinions.