
Wednesday's sprint demo was skipped as a lot of the Analytics Team members were on holidays and most of the work that was completed was hard to showcase.  However, we did wrap up  the fifth sprint of the "Self-Serve Observational Analytics" Release. The goal of this release is to schedule features that will empower end-users to interact independently with the Analytics toolset.

Apologies for cross-posting; ideally you should receive this on the Analytics Mailinglist so we can have one focal point for conversation. If you are not on the Analytics list then please subscribe at https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/analytics

## Defects & Features completed (Ready for Showcase/Shipping/Done) during Sprint ending 2013-05-08 ##

#388 F - Admin defines new static cohort by uploading CSV (5) Done requested by E3 (Dario)
#570 I - Local development environment for engineers to debug User Metrics (8) Done requested by E3 (Dario)
#581 I - Continous Integration wikistats (N/E) Done requested by Analytics
#613 I - Jenkins CI for udp-filter fails (N/E) Done requested by Analytics

## Planned for Showcase on 2013-05-15 ## 

#622 I - Setup multicast relay to gadolinium (N/E)
#538 F - Performance improvement udp-filter (N/E)
## Current Sprint (ending 2013-05-15) ##

Stories in progress from last sprint: 
#148 I - Network ACL (N/E) BLOCKED requested by Ops/Mark
#131 I - Puppetize Kafka 0.7 (8) Coding requested by Analytics & Ops
#134 I - Puppetize Hadoop Coding requested by Analytics & Ops
#645 F - X-CS header measurements (3) Coding requested by Wikipedia Zero (Amit)
#341 D - Traffic reports: fix region Oceania (1) Testing requested by Community
#356 D - Squid log based traffic report SquidReportDevices.htm for mobile devices is broken (N/E) Testing requested by Community
#538 F - Performance improvement udp-filter  (N/E) Testing requested by Ops/Analytics

New stories:

#385 I - Migration of stat1 (pmtpa) to stat1002 (eqiad) (3) requested by Analytics and Ops
#545 F - Librdkafka supports Kafka 0.8 (13) requested by Analytics and Ops
#503 F - Page View Metrics report for non Wikipedia Mobile Apps (5) requested by Mobile (Tomasz)
#673 I -  Make current UMAPI codebase work in prod (1) requested by E3 (Dario)
(Number in parentheses) = estimate of complexity
N/E = not estimated;

F = Feature
D = Defect
I = Infrastructure Task
S = Spike

Any mingle card can be accessed using the base url https://mingle.corp.wikimedia.org/projects/analytics/cards/XYZ where XYZ is the Mingle card id. 

If you have any questions, comments or feedback: please let us know!
