I talked about this at Scrum of Scrums, and added this image to the notes I just sent out.  I said we're leaning towards not backfilling and are willing to be convinced otherwise.  We'll see what people say.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Nuria Ruiz <nuria@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Issues on event logging have been solved, outage of client side events (did not affected server side events) lasted about 12 hours. 

Please see: http://picpaste.com/Screen_Shot_2015-01-07_at_10.50.28_AM-NsMSPgHp.png



On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 3:57 AM, Christian Aistleitner <christian@quelltextlich.at> wrote:
[ Adding eventlogging-alerts to CC ]

On Wed, Jan 07, 2015 at 12:15:09PM +0100, quelltextlich e.U. - Christian Aistleitner wrote:
> Hi,
> just a quick heads up that since 2015-01-07 ~1:55 only <30% of the
> EventLogging events are getting written to the database.
> It seems a deployment went wrong and validation is no longer working
> as expected. Somewhere >70% of the messages no longer validate and
> hence do not get written to the database.
> The raw log files (pre-validation) are still getting written, so data
> is not lost, and backfilling is possible.
> Best regards,
> Christian
> --
> ---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
>                            Companies' registry: 360296y in Linz
> Christian Aistleitner
> Kefermarkterstrasze 6a/3     Email:  christian@quelltextlich.at
> 4293 Gutau, Austria          Phone:          +43 7946 / 20 5 81
>                              Fax:            +43 7946 / 20 5 81
>                              Homepage: http://quelltextlich.at/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
                           Companies' registry: 360296y in Linz
Christian Aistleitner
Kefermarkterstrasze 6a/3     Email:  christian@quelltextlich.at
4293 Gutau, Austria          Phone:          +43 7946 / 20 5 81
                             Fax:            +43 7946 / 20 5 81
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