UserMetrics used to return user IDs (the rationale is that in Product we may use the output of a request for further analysis, and that's what user IDs are good for) and Wikimetrics just followed the same implementation. 

The existing metric cards in Mingle have "username" as a requirement for the individual output on top of user ID (see [1]). I think this should be captured as a separate card that would apply to all metrics: I agree it would be useful to have the username added by default (no need to make it opt in or opt out as it's strictly equivalent to a user ID).



On Oct 16, 2013, at 11:36 AM, Jessie Wild <> wrote:

Sweet! thanks for the lookup tool

 The chapter leaders at Iberoconf told me that they would prefer to just see the usernames as the default. I suppose we could have the actual usernames be an "opt-in," and the user_id to be the default? (I actually can't remember the rationale behind user_ids in the first place, so if someone has specific points around this, please share!)

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Dan Andreescu <> wrote:
If you need to quickly look up a username associated with an id, Special:Redirect exists on all wikis. 

Cool!  In case people don't know what Steven's talking about: 

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Jessie Wild
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