Re recommendations: I...really hope that's not going to happen. I can see us storing that data; I cannot see us storing that data in such a form that it is possible to reconstruct a user's reading history, which is what would be required for viable and reliable recommendations.

On 9 January 2014 10:21, Sezgin Sucu <> wrote:
After exchanging some emails with Erik Zachte, I learned that there is a new platform in progress which can enable wikimedia to share referral strings from browser requests provided that they originate from within wikipedia. I think this shouldn't raise any privacy concerns. I wonder when this platform will be available and is there any plan to release such data for outside researchers once this new platform is ready.

I also think that, wikipedia itself can use this data, to suggest articles automatically without editor's involvement which can increase the navigation a bit easier, especially for articles where the reader is not very familiar with.


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