

If you're willing to download large files, monthly totals are here


pagecounts-2016-06-views-ge-5.bz2  has all titles with 5 or more requests per month

It contains monthly totals, plus efficiently packed hourly data, all in one line.


pagecounts-2016-06-views-ge-5-totals.bz2 is derived from the previous file, with hourly data stripped.


But monthly totals in the API would also be great (and asked for by several people ; I count Magnus Manske as one, but his audience would rejoice as well ;-)






From: Analytics [] On Behalf Of Lane Rasberry
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2016 15:01
To: A mailing list for the Analytics Team at WMF and everybody who has an interest in Wikipedia and analytics.
Subject: Re: [Analytics] Wiki Page Views Project


I collected some non-technical tools at


On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 8:29 AM, Dan Andreescu <> wrote:

If those two don't help there is some raw data available here:


Those files are also hourly but you make a good case for us including monthly totals, so we're open to that if you can't use the other resources.  (I work on the analytics team)

On Saturday, July 9, 2016, Alex Druk <> wrote:

Hi Manny,







On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 4:22 AM, Manny Manny <> wrote:

Hello All,


I am working on a project the uses page view numbers for wiki articles and I was hoping somebody could help me out. I am using wikipedia redirects to find aliases for query names. Unfortunately there is a lot of noise in the redirects. I was hoping to use the page views as a heuristic to weed out bad redirects. I was looking at the page view files but the ones on are hourly which is too much to process in a reasonable amount of time. I was wondering if anybody had (or knew where I could access) page view files for a longer amount of time like yearly, monthly, or even daily. I need to able to download the file locally because I will be dealing with a lot of query names. I appreciate any help you can provide. 





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Thank you.

Alex Druk, PhD.
(775) 237-8550 Google voice

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Lane Rasberry

user:bluerasberry on Wikipedia
