Just to clarify, pagecounts-ez is available only from 2011 (it seems y'all need data from 2009). There is a task open to retroactively fill this dataset back to 2007, but in the meantime you can try using pagecounts-raw, which spans from 2007 to 2016

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 10:21 PM Dan Andreescu <dandreescu@wikimedia.org> wrote:
specifically, https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/pagecounts-ez/ is much smaller to download, and it should be fairly simple to write a script to read the compressed format (also described there in detail)

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 9:52 AM Andrew Otto <otto@wikimedia.org> wrote:

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 9:41 AM William Corin David East, Mr <william.east@mcgill.ca> wrote:



As part of my research on political behavior, I’m working on a replication project of using pageview statistics to predict election outcomes, as done by Yessari et al (2016). The underlying replication relies on pageview statistics for the 2009 and 2014 EU election, but the WMFL pageview API cuts data before 2015. I was informed of stats.grok.se database, but that has been inactive for about 1.5 years now.


My question: Is there any archive of pageview statistics for before 2015? If so, where could I find it?


Best wishes, and thanks in advance,


William East
McGill University,
Department of Political Science.
855 Sherbrooke St. West,
Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2T7


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