Hi Kiril,

We have editors by country here: https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/geoeditors/readme.html and visualized here: https://stats.wikimedia.org/#/en.wikipedia.org/contributing/active-editors-by-country
And we do have edits by country and language but we don't publish it except to the Global Innovation Index folks who publish a yearly report.  The internal table is described here: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Analytics/Data_Lake/Edits/Geoeditors#Geoeditors_Edits_Monthly

Can you take a look at the editors by country and let me know if the edits monthly table and data would be more useful?  What we could publish externally would be more limited, without some of the smaller projects (I forget exactly the cut-offs and sanitization that happens).

On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 5:00 PM Kiril Simeonovski <kiril.simeonovski@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear members of the Analytics Team,

I am currently conducting research about the excludability of free knowledge available on the Wikimedia projects as an example of a public good. In order to calibrate the model, I need aggregate data on the page views and edits by country and language.

After having carefully read Research:Data, I was only able to find data on page views by country and language, which would be enough to calibrate the demand side of my model. So, is it possible to get aggregate data on edits by country and language, which are similar to those on page views available at WikiStats?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Kiril Simeonovski
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