On 19 March 2015 at 13:01, Oliver Keyes <okeyes@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Thanks! Much appreciated :). A big part of the mea culpa with this one
is mine - we had that thread about resolving this for UUIDs, and I was
working on pageviews today and went "hmn, I wonder why this isn'-wait.
Didn't we have a conversation about this? *pulls up thread* oh %&$^"

I think this a shared responsibility, actually. The reason we changed from sections=0 to sections=all was an emergency hack to fix the worst bug we've ever encountered. The bug would irrecoverably freeze the app on iOS 7 (the majority of our user base) when you went to commonly viewed pages (e.g. Barack Obama), and the only way to unfreeze it was to totally reinstall the app. We had our heads down in the problem so much that we forgot to reach out about it. Understandable, I think. Also not really excusable.

So, I think the Mobile Apps Team can be more timely about this sort of thing in the future, and I'll try to make sure that we are. :-)


Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation