I am still sorry, I have a bit of a backlog with sending the Sprint Showcase summaries. Here is the update for the sprint that ended on October 16th.
## Defects & Features completed (Ready for Showcase/Shipping/Done) during Sprint ending 2013-10-16 ##
# Name Type Customer Estimate
1189 [Bug 54779] Webrequest, mobile, and zero request stream lacking mf-m=a and mf-m=b markers Analytics Done
1128 Orange Madagascar Wikpedia Zero Dashboard Dan Foy - Wikipedia Zero Done 2
1180 Metrics Meeting October Erik Moeller - Executive Office Done 1
1184 Fix broken cronjob for mobile reports Erik Moeller - Executive Office Done
1203 [Bug 55527] the Wikidata stats are not available Community Done 1
1204 [Bug 55528] Please collect statistics for the Vietnamese Wikivoyage Commnity Done 1
1163 [Bug 54358] Make "Select Cohort" button actually select cohort for metric selection Jessie Wild - Learning & Evaluation Done 1
699 Measure milestones achieved by an editor (threshold) Dario Taraborelli - Analytics Showcasing 5
## Current Sprint (ending 2013-10-30) ##
Number Name Customer Estimate
699 Measure milestones achieved by an editor (threshold) Dario Taraborelli - Analytics 5
701 Measure survival of an editor Dario Taraborelli - Analytics 13
818 Asynchronous cohort validation Dario Taraborelli - Analytics 8
1074 Pipe kafka mobile data to upd2log stream Diederik van Liere - Analytics 5
1124 Kafka multiple DC setup Diederik van Liere - Analytics 5
1152 Kafka Monitoring Diederik van Liere - Analytics 5
1168 Restrict geowiki access to WMF employees Jessie Wild - Grantmaking Learning & Evaluation 8
1177 Bangalink Wikipedia Zero Dashboard Dan Foy - Wikipedia Zero 2
1179 Umniah Jordan Wikipedia Zero Dashboard Dan Foy - Wikipedia Zero 2
1195 Prototype public queryable interface for pageview data Erik Moeller - Executive Office 21
1202 Tcell Tajikistan Wikipedia Zero Dashboard Dan Foy - Wikipedia Zero 2
If you have any questions, comments or feedback: please let us know!