
I think it will be worth it for you to get in touch with the performance team to get a more 
concrete idea of what is that you will be building.

The analytics team deals mostly with pageview data (for which I am not even sure whether 
we have latency numbers) and application data (like 'edits in the last month') but it looks like most of 
the data you would be interested in for your dashboard is 'operational' 
and on that regard the performance team will be able to help you better. Our team does not deal with 
performance data that much. 

Note that if you take a look at the data displayed in much of it comes 
from graphite.



On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 2:34 AM, Shaifali Agrawal <> wrote:
Hello Everyone

I want to work on a project mentioned at project_list "Wikimedia Performance Portal". It is aimed to present data in graphical manner such that it represent performance metrics about the Wikimedia cluster; and also to organize data so that important data doesn't get mixed with unimportant ones.

I need to have access to data or at least some glimpse of it and its annotations/description to work on it. From where I can access them?

I am new to FOSS world; want to work on this project because it is related with data analytics which always attracts me. I am not proficient in data analysis but yes want to be; so while doing this project I will be having good experience which lead to my goal.

I have good hand in Python and Java, know basics of R, php, C, C++, javascript and also wiling to learn rest all whatever needed.

I mailed about same to mentioned mentor for project but unfortunately didn't got any response probably because he would be busy. So please can I have guidance from where to start for this project and what it is all about more.

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