
Here's the summary of Wednesday's Analytics sprint planning, demo and reflection.

# TL;DR #
Our most recent sprint continued our focus on improving visibility into mobile initiatives, including the mobile site, support for mobile applications, and Wikipedia Zero.  In addition, we worked on solving the packetloss issues on Locke and Oxygen. 

## Defects & Features taken during Sprint ending 2013-03-20 ##

Bugzilla:#45178/Mingle:#129 (D) - Space characters in [pagecounst-raw] titles / Well-formed output of Webstatscollector . DONE (showcased on 2013-03-13)
Mingle:#319 (F) - Deploy metrics-api. DONE (showcased on 2013-03-20) 
Mingle:#154 (F) - Provide unsampled blog webtraffic as datastream. SHIPPING (showcased on 2013-03-20)
Mingle:#117 (F) - Visualize mobile page views by country and device. DONE (showcased on 2013-03-20)

## Planned for Showcase on 2013-03-27 ## 

Mingle:#61 (F) - Mobile Site Pageviews by Device Class
Mingle:#68 (F) - Visualize Commons Mobile App (Android & iOS) metrics in Limn dashboard
Mingle:#244 (F) - Track user adoption of Wikipedia Zero
Mingle:#60 (F) - Mobile pageview requests reporting in wikistats 

## Current Sprint (ending 2013-03-27) ##
The current sprint's theme is still focused on Mobile.
Stories in progress from last sprint: 
Mingle:#61 F - Mobile site pageviews by device class
Mingle:#78 F - Document pageview business logic for analysts
Mingle:#244 F - Track user adoption of Wikipedia Zero

Stories started but blocked:
Mingle:#60 D - Mobile pageview requests reporting in Wikistats

New stories
Mingle:#52 I - Puppetize Limn (N/E)
Mingle:#92 F - Page View Metrics Report for Official Wikipedia Mobile Apps (5)
Mingle:#148 I - Network ACL (N/E)
Mingle:#155 F - Server maintenance to reduce packet loss (8)
Mingle:#240 F - Session Analysis of mobile site visits by mode (alpha/beta/standard) (8)
Mingle:#272 F - Dump stats: tally wikis by activity level (# active users)

(Number in parentheses) = estimate of complexity
N/E = not estimated; 148 will be done by Ops.

F = Feature
D = Defect
I = Infrastructure Task

