
in light of the current switch from Wikistats 1 to Wikistats 2 I would like to express a strong desire to get some additional features for the statistcs. The rationale for this request is described below:

1. How many articles make up for 90 / 95 / 99 percent of all page views over a certain period? Which articles are these?  (live articles excluding WP:xx and Spezial:xxx etc.)

2. Which share of page views goes to the Top 5% / Top 10% of our pages?

3. List of pages with less than x views per year (x = e.g. 12, 25, 100)

Reasoning / Rationale:

I am limiting myself to the German Wikipedia, assuming that the situation is similar in other language WP's.

In the German Wikipedia we meanwhile have more than 2.2 million articles. This produces an enormous maintenance workload, to keep up the quality of articles. We clearly have too few people to do that maintenance work.

This means that we have to focus our maintenance efforts on those articles, which really matter and those are much more than the list of 1000 we get from the Top-Views stats. The reports suggested above will give us exactly the information required to have an informed discussion about the articles we should focus on. And the report under #3 will give us a means to identify articles which we could either delete or clearly label as 'out of maintenance'.

We do know that certain articles are 'en vogue' for a short period, as they relate to current news topics. Therefore we must be able to have above reports over a longer period (at least a year, maybe two) to identify those articles which are really the long term favourites.

Best regards


my user page: Wikipeter-HH