The next Research & Data showcase will be live-streamed tomorrow Wed 3/19 at 11.30 PT.

The streaming link will be posted on the lists a few minutes before the showcase starts and you can join the conversation on IRC at #wikimedia-research. We look forward to seeing you!


Metrics standardization (Dario Taraborelli)
In this talk I'll present the most recent updates on our work on participation metrics and discuss the goals of the Editor Engagement Vital Signs project.

Wikipedia's rise and decline (Aaron Halfaker)
In Halfaker et al. (2013) we present data that show that several changes the Wikipedia community made to manage quality and consistency in the face of a massive growth in participation have ironically crippled the very growth they were designed to manage. Specifically, the restrictiveness of the encyclopedia's primary quality control mechanism and the algorithmic tools used to reject contributions are implicated as key causes of decreased newcomer retention.