no objection for me, but one caveat (from my previous reply):> That works for me, as long as we can still count on Andrew for ongoing support with stat1, which is the only instance we can use for data analysis in Product.(i.e. until we have the feature parity cards implemented AND we've sorted out the main issue with 1) large cohort creation and 2) running jobs for large cohorts)Dario
On Sep 26, 2013, at 2:22 PM, Diederik van Liere <> wrote:_______________________________________________Heya,We still have Usermetrics / UMAPI running on stat1001. AFAICT, nobody is actually using this instance. Dario et al. are using the version installed on stat1. I would like to move ahead with uninstalling it to so we can start making preparations for deploying Wikimetrics on stat1001 under the domain.Any objections? Please voice them!Best,D
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