
When trying to identify non-human traffic, it can also be helpful to exclude any session that begins (or contains) a request for /robots.txt. Do you know if a mechanism exists that could flag such sessions?

Even though many crawlers and spiders do not respect the contents of the file, they almost always request it. This can help exclude non-human page requests where the user agent string has been set to something that does not contain a bot/crawler url.


On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Erik Zachte <> wrote:



Some background:


So we are talking about search engine crawlers here, right?


Here are most active crawlers:

for Google there is special page with more depth:


It's been a long standing request to filter crawler data from page views.

We almost did it a year ago, and planned to have two sets of counts in Domas' files (one with crawlers included, one without)..

I'm not sure what came in the way. Diederik can tell you more about that, and current status.


It would cut our page views by about 20%.

The test we planned to implement is pretty simple: test 'user agent' field for 'crawler/spider/bot/http' reject if any occurs.

Note user agent string is completely unregulated, but an informal rule is to include url only on crawler requests.


BTW crawlers 'bots' not to be confused with Mediawiki bots:


Erik Zachte



From: [] On Behalf Of Toby Negrin
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 6:55 AM
To: A mailing list for the Analytics Team at WMF and everybody who has an interest in Wikipedia and analytics.

Subject: Re: [Analytics] Wikipedia Top 25


We have some bot information from wikistats here. I don't think it's particularly actionable for what you are doing, but it might be interesting directionally.




On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:09 PM, Jeremy Baron <> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 9:54 PM, Noneof MicrosoftsBusiness
<> wrote:
> We've been working on tracking down the top 25 articles for each week, but
> as you can see
> it requires determining which rankings are due to actual human views and
> which are due to bots, and recently, the bots have been having a field day.
> I've been asked by the creator of the list to ask you for help and/or advice
> on how to use analytics to separate human from non-human views. Please let
> me know if there's anything that can be done.

I think at this point that would either require a change to the format
of the domas (anonymized) stats or an NDA and maybe some other
approvals. (or kraken! but rumor is that's not yet ready for the
general public)


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Michael Wilkes
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