On 25 April 2016 at 02:51, Amir E. Aharoni <amir.aharoni@mail.huji.ac.il> wrote:

Do we have a more detailed view of % of clients accessing Wikimedia sites?

What I can currently find is:

It doesn't give me a detailed enough answer to the question: "Which mobile browsers do people use to read Wikipedia". The built-in browser of an Android-based phone from 2012 is quite different from the one 2016, but if I read that chart correctly, it shows both as just "Android".

​You can use https://browser-reports.wmflabs.org/#all-sites-by-browser/browser-family-and-major-hierarchical-view – ​it shows Android versions in the pie chart.

James D. Forrester
Lead Product Manager, Editing
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

jforrester@wikimedia.org | @jdforrester