Join as the Lead Guest Editor by Proposing a Special Issue

Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) is an independent international publisher of 110+ open access, online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. It also provides the publication service of Special Issue. A Special Issue is a collection of papers on a particular theme. Now SciencePG has more than 280 Special Issues and it commits to developing more Special Issues.

SciencePG welcomes all scholars and experts to join its Special Issue.
How to Propose a Special Issue
Once you propose a Special Issue, you will be the Lead Guest Editor. The Lead Guest Editor is mainly responsible for promoting his Special Issue, collecting papers and organizing the guest editors to review papers. On how to propose a Special Issue, you could visit the following website:
Benefits of Being the Lead Guest Editor
1 The Lead Guest Editor can publish 2 papers for free. As to the other articles, you can enjoy 30% discount.
2 Both the guest editors and authors invited by the Lead Guest Editor can enjoy 30% discount for paper publication.
3 The Lead Guest Editor will get paid or publish 2-8 papers for free on the basis of how many charged papers you will invite.
Current Featured Special Issues in SciencePG
High Energy Physics: Towards a New Synthesis of Fundamental Interactions Mathematical Theory and Modeling New Technologies in Medical Imaging Recent Concerns in Secondary Education

SciencePG sincerely invites you to join its Special Issue as the Lead Guest Editor and keep academic exchange with experts from all over the world.

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