Not directly actually, you will need to list all those users in a wiki page or use a category, but those functions are limited to 500 users and there are 1341 users starting with TNSE on tawiki.
If you need this for a specific project, I can eventually export them directly from the sql database.

2017-07-31 17:17 GMT+02:00 Sibi Kanagaraj <>:
Is there a way to do it in the current scan tool? 

On Jul 31, 2017 6:57 PM, "Akeron" <> wrote:
Good idea but the * char is allowed and sometime used in user names. Only remaining available chars seems to be "# < > [ ] | { } / @".
Another possibility is to use a new dedicated field which would include all user names starting with the entered string.

2017-07-31 10:27 GMT+02:00 Sibi Kanagaraj <>:
Hi Team ,


Would like to know if there is any possibility for giving Wild card entries in the Users category .

Example :
Over here

Will we be able to filer out users whose user name starts with TNSE -

Say something like TNSE * or with a particular pattern . Say TNSE * ABC *XYZ


On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 12:47 AM, Pine W <> wrote:
Wikiscan is an interesting tool for statistics fans. I suggest briefly reading this IEG page, then playing with the tool on


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