It looks like the December numbers are indeed skewed, possibly due to a link encoding change in mobilefrontend that is doubling many requests. 

I counted en.m.wikipedia/wiki/article requests and my total count agrees with stats.wikimedia (around 2B), but http 301 redirects went from being around 1% of responses to >18% in one random mid-december day. 

An example is: 214632678 2013-01-08T00:27:24 0.094004869 miss/301 20 GET - text/html; charset=utf-8 - Mozilla/5.0%20(iPhone;%20CPU%20iPhone%20OS%206_0_1%20like%20Mac%20OS%20X)%20AppleWebKit/536.26%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Version/6.0%20Mobile/10A523%20Safari/8536.25 en-us -

The correct article name for the above example is  The desktop site in safari provides a correct link, but the mobile site converts the underscore to an encoded space. 

There may be some other issues as well - the number of requests with a blank referrer have increased heavily.  This is partially due to ios6 using google over ssl, but the number of blank referrers increased heavily for android as well.  My rough estimate is that mobile pageviews actually increased by around 1/3 in december.

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 2:00 PM, Diederik van Liere <> wrote:
Hi all,

It has come to our attention that there is quite a big jump in mobile pageviews on

We are looking into the exact cause of it right now, but suffice to say for now, do not use these numbers for the month of December 2012.


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