Wednesday's sprint demo concluded the fourth sprint of the "Self-Serve Observational Analytics" Release. The goal of this release is to schedule features that will empower end-users to interact independently with the Analytics toolset.
## Defects & Features completed (Ready for Showcase/Shipping/Done) during Sprint ending 2013-05-01 ##
#388 F - Admin defines new static cohort by uploading CSV (5) Ready for Showcase requested by E3 (Dario)
#634 F - Reportcard for May Metrics Meeting (N/E) Ready for Showcase requested by ED (Erik M.)
#513 I - Migrate UserMetrics API to Gerrit (N/E) Ready for Showcase requested by E3 (Dario)
#570 I - Local development environment for engineers to debug User Metrics (8) Ready for Showcase requested by E3 (Dario)
## Planned for Showcase on 2013-05-08 ##
#622 I - Setup multicast relay to gadolinium (N/E)
#538 F - Performance improvement udp-filter (N/E)
## Current Sprint (ending 2013-05-08) ##
Stories in progress from last sprint:
#148 I - Network ACL (N/E) BLOCKED requested by Ops/Mark
#131 I - Puppetize Kafka 0.7 requested by Analytics & Ops
#134 I - Puppetize Hadoop requested by Analytics & Ops
#353 D - Wikistats - mobile country report et al. requested by Queued for Dev Community
#388 F - Admin defines new static cohort by uploading CSV
#570 I - Local dev env for User Metrics
New stories:
#622 I - Setup multicast relay to gadolinium (N/E)
#538 F - Performance improvement udp-filter (N/E)
(Number in parentheses) = estimate of complexity
N/E = not estimated;
F = Feature
D = Defect
I = Infrastructure Task
S = Spike
If you have any questions, comments or feedback: please let us know!