Hi Folks,

I am in need of 6 more Wikipedians to complete my interview study on what AI means for Wikipedia. No personally identifiable information will be required of you.

Please email me if you or a Wikipedian you know may be interested. I am hoping to complete interviews within the next 2 weeks.

Details below:

Interview Request - University of Cambridge Study

My name is Aarshin Karande and I am a student at the University of Cambridge enrolled in the MSt, AI Ethics & Society program administered by the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence. The summative coursework for this program is an original research project submitted through a dissertation.

My dissertation will examine the uses of AI on Wikipedia and how Wikipedians are implicated by them. I am inviting Wikipedians to participate in 45-minute- to 65-minute-long interviews. In these interviews, we will discuss:
This project is looking for 10 participants. Interviews will be conducted throughout April 2024 remotely via Zoom. Participants' identities will be anonymized to remove any personally identifying information.

If you would like to participate in this study, please message me at ak2471@cam.ac.uk. For further information, please refer to the participant information sheet. If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please message me at ak2471@cam.ac.uk.


Aarshin Karande

MSt Candidate, AI Ethics & Society
Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

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