Hey folks,

This is the weekly update for the Revision Scoring project for the week of April 2nd through April 8th. 

New developments:
  • Solved some issues that block a major performance improvement for score requests using multiple models[2]
  • Improved the performance of feature extraction for features that use mwparserfromhell[3,4]
  • We applied regex performance optimizations to badwords and informal word detection for many languages[9]

Maintenance and robustness:
  • Solved a regression in ScoredRevisions that caused most revisions in RecentChanges to not be scored[1]
  • Set ORES load balancer to rebalance on 500 responses from a web node[5]
  • Enabled CORS for error responses from ORES -- this makes it easier to report errors from a gadget on a wiki[6]
  • Sade the staging instance of Wikilabels[7] look a lot more like the production instance[8]

Stay tuned!