Hello friends
This is time when we should start focusing on the next Wiki Loves Africa :)
To keep it brief and simple
1) the next Wiki Loves Africa will take place in February 2019 (one month only)
2) the theme will be "Play" (this can include a board game picture, photo of a handi swimmer, your favorite football team picture, photo of a notable stadium, how-to play a game, lion cuds having fun... really see the theme big picture)
3) a list of organizing roles and tasks will be established in the next couple of weeks and a call be send for people to volunteer to those. Stay tuned.
4) with regards to the way jury is set up : this year, it will be strictly pyramidal. Every participating country team will have to submit its best 10-20 pictures to the international jury. So your national team needs to take that into account.
5) Isla and I have submitted two rapid grants to kickstart the whole thing. Please consider supporting the requests * https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Rapid/Anthere/Wiki_Loves_Afri... * https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Rapid/Islahaddow/WLA_2019_Pre... (There will be no WLA Project grant this year)
6) IMPORTANT ! You want to consider submitting your own rapid grant next month. Rapid Grants are only open from 1-15th of each month. Rumors say that approval at the moment is over 5 weeks. Which basically mean that a request submitted mid November might get approved around Christmas. Then grant money still needs to be sent (and you may probably consider this will not happen during Christmas time). So if you want to get your funds on time for WLA, _you really want to submit your rapid grant early November._ https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Rapid
7) If you are not yet on it, please consider joining Wiki Loves Africa Facebook Group : The Page is here (like the Page, then ask to join the Group): https://www.facebook.com/wikilovesafrica/