Hi Naa2Darkoa, 

Is there a persistent homepage for the project? I would love to see your documentation and work in progress? 



On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 6:45 PM Yvonne Darko <yvonne.darkoa@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Wikimedians,

The Wikimedians of Twi Language is a community of Ghanaian editors. The team seeks  to increase and improve content in the Twi language about Akan and Ghanaian culture on English Wikipedia, WikiCommons and Wikidata. The community is currently running a project dubbed the African Fabric Project

The aim is to create individual articles for each design on English Wikipedia, Wikidata items on WikiData also for each design, WikiCommons entries of images of the designs as well as the pronunciation of the Ghanaian given name and a translation for each article on Twi Wikipedia. We realized there was a rich heritage behind the naming of the fabrics most of which portrayed Akan proverbs metaphorically. As the research developed, we observed that these designs held multiple names notable across other African countries.

Examples of such designs are Leaf Trail - known in Ghana as Ahwenepa Nkasa and the Ivory Coast as Feuile-Feuile; and Fish Scales - known in Ghana as Abɛ, in Nigeria as Akpirikpa azu and in South Africa as Bijenkorfje.

Thus, I write on behalf of the Wikimedians of Twi Language to call for your help to make this project a success. We would appreciate it if you can help with credible references you have on the individual fabric designs and uploads of the pictures of the designs unto WikiCommons or uploads of usage of the designs by notable personalities or in notable scenarios either in Africa or anywhere else in the world. These would help give weight to these articles and credence to their notability in our African Heritage.

We look forward to your support and assistance.



(Wikimedia username)

PS: Did you know the Fabric design known by name as Akyikyidie akyi in Ghana translates into Tortoise back - metaphorically saying one is resilient and tough as the shell of a tortoise. It is known in other African countries as Masque and Grand Bassam. Did you know this fabric was used as the exercise wear of Semmi in the movie Coming to America, 1988. It was used in the scene where Semmi was training with Eddie Murphy, the Prince Akeem.

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Alex Stinson 
Lead Program Strategist
Wikimedia Foundation
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