Hello Wiki Loves Africa organisers … 

1st October and Wiki Love Africa is galloping up on us!!

We have created a template for Press Releases in English and French. You can access them from this link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h8oe0wae9zk9rp8/AACmsQPMAub0nFYyalwlKcsJa?dl=0

1. These are templates - they are for EVERYONE. Please COPY and paste the correct language document onto your own computer. Please DO NOT open it in dropbox, write in the document and then save it without it being saved separately on your own computer. 

2. Of course you can change the text, or write your own release, but to make it easier for everyone, we have marked the spaces for you to fill in your own information between the [ ]s.

The marketing materials for this year is (posters, flyers, banners, etc.) very nearly ready. We will send through the link to the designs today.
