Dear Asaf,Thanks for the update, I too missed out all the previous sessions and love to be in your next session and hoping more and more community members join the upcoming sessions.Thanks for this noble initiative.Best Regards,
Rajeeb.(U: Marajozkee)(Sent from my iPhone pardon the brevity)On 26-Jun-2020, at 6:12 AM, Adjoa Linda Fletcher <> wrote:Received._______________________________________________On Jun 25, 2020 4:13 PM, "Asaf Bartov" <> wrote:
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Asaf Bartov <>
Date: Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 11:12 PM
Subject: Digest of Wikimedia Clinic #002; updates on schedule; Wikimedia clinic in Spanish!
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <>Dear Wikimedians,We have now published the digest of Wikimedia Clinic #002[1]. If you missed previous announcements about the Wikimedia Clinic idea, please see its page on Meta[2].As announced, it contains a compact summary of the topics discussed, augmented by links and some follow-up information that was not available during the call. I invite you to skim the topic list and see if there's something of interest for you.Upcoming Wikimedia Clinic calls are:Call #004 - Sunday(!), June 28th, 17:30 UTC [3]Call #005 - Wednesday, July 1st, 17:30 UTC [4]Also, we are experimenting with a Wikimedia Clinic in Spanish! It is still being scheduled, and I will keep you posted as soon as the date and time are known. That call will be held primarily in Spanish (everyone is welcome, of course), and will welcome discussions in Spanish.Cheers,Asaf
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
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