Hi everyone,
Last week the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees met to decide on a plan for the 2021 Board elections. And based on the feedback from the recent Call for Feedback about Community Board Seats, the Board Governance Committee created a proposal. Below you can find a summary of the resolution, which was approved unanimously.
The Board plans to hold the selection process as soon as possible. The draft timeline plans for the call for candidates opening June 8 and a voting period July 20 to August 3.
The Elections Committee will determine the voting method. The committee, in consultation with Wikimedia Foundation staff, may request a delay of up to three months to implement the voting system.
Four seats will be up for selection, the three due for renewal and a fourth from the approved Board expansion. The two other new community-and-affiliate seats approved will be selected during 2022, together with the two affiliate seats that will be due (four in total).
The Board will note the skills and experiences they would like selected trustees to have. Candidates will complete the evaluation form, but for information only.
The Wikimedia Foundation will provide communications support to the Elections Committee. We want to support candidates and promote the elections, particularly in underrepresented groups.
Please check the related announcement on meta for details.[1]
The full proposal is available on Foundation Wiki.[2]
[2] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BGC_Community_Trustee_Selection_Proposal_April_2021.pdf
Best wishes,
Zita and the Facilitation team