Hi everyone,

Last week the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees met to decide on a plan for the 2021 Board elections. And based on the feedback from the recent Call for Feedback about Community Board Seats, the Board Governance Committee created a proposal. Below you can find a summary of the resolution, which was approved unanimously. 


Please check the related announcement on meta for details.[1]

The full proposal is available on Foundation Wiki.[2]

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_noticeboard/2021-04-15_Resolution_about_the_upcoming_Board_elections

[2] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BGC_Community_Trustee_Selection_Proposal_April_2021.pdf

Best wishes,

Zita and the Facilitation team

Zita Ursula Zage
Board Governance Facilitator- Sub-Saharan Africa