Brief update on reporting guys....

First thank you to all those who took the time to deal with this very boring aspect of any project :)
I know it is not fun at all. And not very rewarding. But we still need to do it ! and we are getting better at doing it every year !!!

So, financial wise

A big thank you to Tunisia, Algeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Cameroun, Ivory coast for providing their information.
There might be minor details to iron but we are basically good. Elisabeth will follow up with you.

Nigeria still has to provide anything (com'on Shola... pleeeaaaase ;))

I am sorry to say but Ghana and Egypt financial reports completly suck.

Zimbabwe is... lost... complicated... we'll have to figure out a way to deal with this.


Event wise

A big thank for Ouganda, Tanzania, and Ivory Coast who filled up their report with much details. Very useful.

The others... well... hello ? please ?


Wiki Loves Africa 2017

Grant request now in proposed state :

Following up on the feedback we could collect till now (more will come from your events report and the feedback form at the very end of the contest), we outlined the following points for next year improvements

* Create a bot to send a welcome and thank you all participants with suggestions on what else they can do to get other people to see their photos.
* Create a bot to assist with category clean-up of the images submitted.
* Set the theme earlier and inform possible teams so they can engage with their communities to catch local theme-relevant events, displays, or festivals that are not within the competition period.
* Creation of a generic leaflet for teams to facilitate the outreach work of the team and enable a short introduction of the Competition to local partners, funders, etc.
* Improvement of the site notice system with the help of the WMF’s advancement team
* Increasing the scale of the communication around the voting on the Community prize
* Inclusion of a country-based reward or “Country Cup” for the highest percentage of reused images submitted by a country (the 2017 competition will announce the 2016 images used)


Le 06/03/2017 à 14:34, Florence Devouard a écrit :
Specials thanks to Tanzania and Uganda, whose teams filled up the events report page :)



Quick reminder as well on the expenses documentation that Elisabeth need for the WMF report.
We are still entirely lacking data from
* Nigeria
* Algeria
* Uganda
* Tanzania
And it is still very limited for
* Egypt

Thank you to
* Ivory Coast
* Cameroun
* Tunisia
* Ghana
You guys rock !


Le 20/02/2017 à 13:01, Florence Devouard a écrit :

Hello everyone

If your country participated to Wiki Loves Africa this year, please fill in this document to report about events held.

I changed the form a bit this year, in hope to make it easier for you to fill in quickly.
A few comments
* please only complete the tab related to your country
* please fill in the cells in light grey color
* if you organized more than 6 events... just add a column on the right....
* the list of usernames of participants at the bottom is a "nice to have"
* if you have taken pictures of your events, please add the best of them to commons (do not only keep that for Facebook....)
* if you have planned other post-contest event... you can add them later. But please add events which already took place.

Thank you for a quick feedback on this.


As some of you are aware... this is grant season. And request for funding next WLAf has to be done now.
A draft version is available here :

We can not provide the final report for 2016 as the contest is not over yet. But we will try to submit as much information as possible.

As such, we do need you to
1) fill up the event report document
2) send the supporting documentation of expenses to Elisabeth (I have heard that some of you guys are not inline...)

Elisabeth mentionned

* no documents from : Algérie, Nigeria, Tunisie, Ouganda et Zimbabwe.
* no answer to her emails from : Tunisie, Algérie.

Com'on guys... please. Just do it ;)

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