Dear national coordinators, 

Thank you for the wonderful work done in the past weeks  organizing  an amazing competition in more than 50 countries! We have seen amazing images being submitted

This year Wiki Loves Africa competition will be based on a federalized model: there's a national competition in each country, with a national organizing team, a national jury and national winners. The national jury determines up to (maximum) 10 images that will be submitted to the international finale. 

These ten images should be submitted via email to the wiki loves africa  jury coordinator before the deadline:18th April 2019. 

When submitting your finalists, please take these instructions into account:
* Submit no more than ten images per (national) competition. It is OK to submit less images, for example if you don't find enough images of high quality.
* Submit the images to:, and include in the CC at least one (additional) jury member besides yourself. Please also include   in the cc. 
* If the results are still not public (if you plan to announce them later publicly), please add the planned announcement date. Please note that we will announce the international winners in June.
* Submit for each image: URL, File name on Wikimedia Commons and Author username
* Check basic information about the images:
** that the author has activated their email function on Wikimedia Commons (
** that the image is freely licensed
*If you want to use the jury tool, please sign up for it( )  

Thanks a lot for your cooperation. .

With warm regards,

Erina Mukuta
Wiki Loves Africa Jury Coordinator