Le 12/01/2017 à 00:13, Felix Nartey a écrit :
Hi Ingo,

Thanks for you genuine concerns. A document is currently being prepared and should be shared with all participants by the weekend.


Just checking... is the document done or not yet ?

I'd like to get even the draft version of it tomorrow. I am basically departing home in 24 hours. And feel... errr... that I am lacking information that could be useful. So anything that can help... I am interested.

In particular, I would like to have details about an alternate means to rejoin the hotel IN CASE something goes wrong at the airport.


It will contain all that you are asking for, however just to clear the air, there will be a shuttle to convey all participants from the airport to the hotel of stay. You arrival dates have been shared to allow the shuttle driver know when to come to the airport. Also there will be some team members to direct you to the bus, just look around for an individual(s) holding a card with the inscription Wiki Indaba 17.

Hope this helps....


On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 11:00 PM, Ingo Koll <ikoll@gmx.de> wrote:
Dear Felix, dear organizers
I am happy to hear (as surely all others are) that the preparations have gone well! I think it will be helpful for all participants to have a description of the place (adress, phone numbers of hotel and/or contact person on the team) we have to go from the airport, what money to have ready for taxi or what transport to use. Even if you plan to provide transport it is still good to have that because something might go wrong upon arrival (missing each other etc).
Ingo - kipala

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