Je comprend
Moi c'est le BORDEL monstrueux à Wikimedia France qui me bouffe
tout mon temps cerveau. Et mon temps tout court d'ailleurs...
J'ai envie de commencer à bosser un peu sur Wiki Loves Africa,
même si ce n'est pas urgent... simplement car j'ai besoin de
sentir qu'il y a des gens de qualité dans notre communauté, des
gens avec qui j'ai envie de faire des choses, des gens de bonne
Voili voilà :)
Good idea Florence.
Je suis très saturé ces jours à cause de Wiki Loves Earth; je lis seulement les messages sans vraiment y répondre.
Bien vouloir m'excuser.____________________________________Georges Fodouop
InformaticienWikipédien en résidence : www.wikiloveswomen.orgFormateur wikipédia, créateur de contenus numériques
Douala - Cameroun+237 677 71 20 68 / +237 695 33 18 84
Le Mardi 18 juillet 2017 10h28, Gabriel Thullen <> a écrit :
GabeBest regardsHi,I think that Florence made a very good suggestion. I often correspond with my African colleagues more by FB than by email.
On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 11:24 AM, Florence Devouard <> wrote:
Hello folks
Following up on Wiki Loves Africa :)(answers to private emails will follow)
Seeing that many of you do not seem super confortable using mailing list and how many seem confortable using Facebook, I suggest we create a Facebook group for WLAf, in a very similar way that the wikiindaba group (closed group)What do you think ?
Le 10/07/2017 à 16:06, Raphael Berchie a écrit :
WarmestHello Flo,Kudos for the grant application and we are very happy that it has been approved. We are looking forward to working with you again this year.
Raphael BerchieCo Founder Open Foundation, West Africa, Wikipedian-in-Residence (Wiki Loves Women) Wikimedian,Open Advocate, Climate Change Activist,Blogger
P.O Box CT 10469Cantoments AccraGhanaTwitter@berchie4gh
On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 10:23 AM, Florence Devouard <> wrote:
Dear all
We would like to inform you that the Wiki Loves Africa 2017 grant request has been accepted !Yeah !
La demande de subvention pour WLAf 2017 a été acceptée
People at WorkCompetition scope: The theme calls for photographs, videos and audio files that document all manner of occupations undertake across the continent - formal and informal, contemporary and ancient, business-oriented and creative. There will be a special prize that will be concentrated on visually capturing women working, and another that illustrates rare, fading or threatened traditional craft, style or way of working.
LE THEMELes gens au travail (traduction à préciser)
Il y aura un prix spécial pour l'illustration des femmes au travail. Et un spécial pour les métiers menacés d'extinction.
WHENThe contest will run October-NovemberThere will be a dedicated drive after the event to better use and integrate pictures
QUANDLe concours se déroulera en Octobre et Novembre
Il y aura aussi un effort particulier après le concours pour mieux intégrer et réutiliser les photos
A few things to note though...1. This year, per request from WMF, only 13 countries will be allowed to request funding to participate with local events. That list covers any country which has already participated to WLAf at least once.
Moreover, amongst those 13 countries, some will be covered by the WLAf Project Grant in the same way than in 2014-2015-2016, whilst some will have to request a Rapid Grant to WMF.
This is the list of countries who should ask a Rapid Grant if they want to join in
Egypt Tunisia Cameroon Nigeria Ghana Côte d’Ivoire Algeria South AfricaOf course, we would support those asking for the rapid grant as needed. The main benefit is... that local budget can potentially increase given that max budget for a Rapid Grant is 2000 dollars.
We will reach out to all groups individually anyway to discuss this.
This is the list of countries who should follow the same process than last year if they want to join in
Ethiopia Uganda Tanzania Malawi Zimbabwe
2. The contest is moving towards incorporating more volunteer positions.
So if you want to get involved in organizing the contest at the global level, please get in touch with us asap so that we can integrate you from the start in the whole organization and planning. Project will start with evaluation planning, in consultation with and supported by WMF, to improve documentation and reporting of impact. We will probably launch an easy going group list to better coordinate this and involve people. So please, if you want to be part of it... jump in (<evil look>we will contact some of you privately anyway. The african developer group is on target for example</evil look>
I hope this is clear. Contact me if not.
Contactez moi si ce qui est expliqué ci dessus n'est pas clair.
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African-Wikimedians mailing list
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