Thanks for the invite. I have done a few citation book edit thons during covid.
Recently, I had to get rid of a lot of books to Book sellers. I had to downsize.
I had planned on shipping them to the Permaculture Institute library in Techiman, Ghana. But the shipper I used in the past is no longer in business.
A lot of the books are reference books.
I mentioned to two of the book sellers that there is always a need for citations to Wikipedia articles from books (published sources).
A lot of old books 📚 will not be scanned, and in the future will be needed.
I even reached out to the Ghana embassy in NYC, and to a friend in Ghana as to the best way to get books 📚 to Ghana. Still waiting.
I have a collection of children books, and easy reading books on various subjects.
I decided that I can use USPS, and mail 8 pounds in two increments to the Permaculture Institute.
Take care.
Linda in Brooklyn