Count us in!

Nkem E. Osuigwe PhD CLN
Human Capacity Development & Training Director,
African Library and Information Associations & Institutions(AfLIA)
P.O.Box BC 38, Burma Camp, Accra, Ghana.

AfLIA, Connecting Africa's Library and Information Communities

"Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." - Albert Einstein


On Thu, 7 Apr 2022, 2:25 pm Felix Nartey, <> wrote:

Hello All,

Following engagements with some communities that began in 2021, I am pleased to share with you some brief insights about an upcoming project we are working on with the African Union (AU) and the Africa No Filter (ANF).


Africans are born storytellers. 

For the longest time, they have had strong traditions of sharing truths. 

Over time, the African narrative has been snatched and shaped outside the borders of this continent.

The partnership forged between the WMF, African Union, and Africa No Filter seeks to work with communities in making sure the African narrative is back in the hands of its people. 

Together with you, we want to re-shape the African narrative by exploring your expertise as Africans and Wikimedians to ensure coverage of the continent. 

The partnership will include a Wikimedian in residence and resource persons from the continent to ensure its success. We encourage you to watch out for an upcoming diff post and a platform to chat further about these still shaping structures of the partnership.

We want to hear from you!

On behalf of the AKI team,


Felix Nartey

Senior Program Officer, Campaigns 

Wikimedia Foundation 

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