Hello everyone,
As part of the 4th AfLIA Conference & 6th African Library Summit,  we have organised a pre-conference workshop on Monday 24th May 2021 with the theme "Wikipedia and Libraries".

We do have a number of practicing librarians and Wikimedians from Africa speaking on the topics listed on the flyers below :

Pre-conference (EN).jpeg

Pre-conference (FR).jpeg

When and how
The pre-conference workshop will be on Monday 24th May and sessions will start at 1000GMT/UTC.

The sessions are in both English and French and will run parallel to each other - we will not have simultaneous translation.

How can I be a part of this?
The sessions are free and open to all. However, you need to register beforehand, follow the following links to do so :

English : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Qhp890TJTUG6nk-dCzvydA

French :
Session 1 : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvd-qrqz8oGdLiqk_nlEyRehsV1FbKVGUy

Session 3 : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqdeihpzMuHtL_eClFSlFvjU4tIe7QyQo5

Anything else?
Please share the attached flyers widely among your friends and network, Wikimedians and otherwise and encourage them to join us.

Regards and thanks in advance,
Alice Kibombo
WhatsApp : +256-758-975650