Hi Folks at WIScom, 

It's been more than two weeks since Ingo requested clarifications on the structure of the steering committee. Can someone from the committee respond to these request for clarification? 

It's unwise to keep mute when a legitimate questions are asked. 

I look forward to reading your response. 

Thank you, 


On Jun 21, 2018 8:55 AM, "Ingo Koll" <ikoll@gmx.de> wrote:
Proposed composition of the Steering Committee

I read https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Indaba. The proposed composition of the Steering Committee is not clear. And the language is not clear in several points.
  • Page says: "made up of a representative of all past organizers of Wiki Indaba" - this is ONE representative of (all? selected by whom?) past organizers.
  • Page says:  "Country Representation (Previous Organizers of the Conference)" - does this mean ALL, thus a steadily growing number year after year? Up to which number?
  • office terms - has this been decided this way by the last Wikiindaba? Otherwise it does not look wise to fix the periods for "country representatives" and "volunteers" in this way. If ever for some reason a Wikiindaba has to be cancelled, resulting in a year without WikiIndaba, the committee can reach its defined time limit. To me it looks wiser to state a period until the coming one or two Wikiindabas.
  • Page says:  "The role of the volunteer coordinator spans a tenure of one and half years maximum. This role is automatically awarded to the best candidate during the application process." What does this mean? A "volunteer coordinator" is not defined anywhere. How does something happen "automatically"? What automat finds out "the best" and by what criteria??
  • Page says: "The term of office is 2 years after which their organisation can have new elections to select a rep" - so if the "organisation" (elsewhere the language is "affiliate") has no new election?

Appreciate any clarification. Cheers  Kipala

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   1. Re: Wiki-Indaba Steering Committee (WISCom) (Florence Devouard)

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