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Hi all,I'm an Outreachy <> intern and as a part ofthe internship, I'm working on a project - WikiCV<>.Through this project we (my mentors - Gergő Tisza and Stephen LaPorte andI) want to create a contribution summarizing tool which (unlike theexisting ones that focus on statistics and are hard to interpret forsomeone not familiar with Wikipedia editing) highlights contributions in aneasy-to-understand manner.I'm writing this to gather inputs from prospective users of this tool, thatis all the Wikipedia editors!Basically I want to understand what all things would you like to see in atool like this? Or what all would you write in your Wikipedia CV?You can give in your inputs through mail (I'd be more than happy to get one:)) or fill out this form <>. My workis largely dependent on your inputs, so please pour in your comments/views.Your help will be quite appreciated!Eagerly waiting for your inputs :)Thanks,Megha Sharma