I would like to indicate, for discussion, some theoretical topics pertaining to natural language generation from Wikidata.


An interesting feature of Wikidata is that it has sourced statements [1]. We can envision these sources and materials, the provenance of statements, propagating from the statements, through potential intermediate representations, to output natural language articles. In automatically-generated articles, these sources and materials could appear – as one might expect – as citations referring to referenced sources and materials which appear in “References” sections.


Also interesting is that, should Wikidata come to support automated reasoning [2], it could be implemented in such a way that the enhanced provenance data (e.g. reasoning supporting, argumentation, proofs) for statements could similarly propagate from the statements, through intermediate representations, to output natural language articles.


That is, automatically-generated articles could provide reasoning supporting, arguments for, and/or proofs of the contents of natural language sentences in a manner similar to how they can provide referenced sources and materials.


Any thoughts on these topics?



Best regards,



[1] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Sources

[2] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Reasoning