Depends if you have n-ary functions or not. MathML-Content does have them, and therefore has no limit on the number of arguments for a function.

(Note that n-ary functions include the set, list, matrix, etc. constructors.)

On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 9:33 PM Denny Vrandečić <> wrote:
That's a great question! We did not plan on having a hard limit encoded in the software, but that shouldn't stop the future community from coming up with guidelines that make going beyond a certain number of arguments a rather exceptional event.

On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 6:18 PM Thad Guidry <> wrote:
Hi Denny!

I would assume that the list of arguments that a function can take would be conceivably limited to some high number; say 64 or 128.  Incidentally, as a maintainer of GREL in OpenRefine, we have witnessed that functions become unwieldy and complex for users after 4 or more arguments, generally.  We tend to allow encouraging building higher order functions from our lower ones since GREL allows function chaining through dot notation similar to Ruby.  Bottom up approach.

My hunch is that as things progress, the community will probably help try to encourage use of lower numbers of function arguments where it makes sense and as much as possible during testing, evaluation, implementation in order to encourage higher order functions to help manage complexity.

Anyways, back to the question:  Will there be a conceived argument maximum documented?

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