Hi Jakob,

thank you for reaching out! You got some answers for the demonyms.

Regarding how to best learn from this for the Abstract Wikipedia: as you say yourself, the code itself is just a few lines - but they come with a lot of interesting lessons attached to it.

As you start doing that for an increasing number of languages we will run into interesting issues, such as differences by grammatical gender being expressed in some but not in other languages, how to deal with historical countries, how to deal with cases as Marie Curie, Tesla, etc.

I think capturing these in an essay either on your web site or on wiki can be very valuable.

Again, I think the code itself will be short and can be quickly rewritten - but the lessons you learned on the way will too easily be forgotten if not captured.

Thank you,

On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 8:06 AM Jakob Voß <jakob.voss@gbv.de> wrote:

I want to auto-generate disambiguation description for African
politicians to be added to Wikidata, e.g. from the country Mozambique
(Q1029) the following descriptions should be generated:

Mozambican politician (en)
Mosambikanischer Politiker (de)
politico mozambicano (it)

This could be extended to other professions. My questions:

- Can anyone point me to data sources where to best look up country
adjectives such as "Mozambican"?

- Where/how to best store the lexical information for best reuse with
other renderers

- If a create small renderers for this short descriptions, what
architecture do you prefer for best reuse?

My just-get-it-done solution would be a set of CSV files and a few lines
of Perl code, but maybe this use case can be aligned with Abstract
Wikidata to better learn about it.

Looking forward to collaborate,

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