D'oh, the idea to use Wikidata for collecting the bibliography is so obvious and good, that I am wondering why it wasn't my default assumption.

Oh, wait I am supposed to say: "Yes, obviously, we should collect the literature with Wikidata, when we write up the State of the Art."

Thanks Jakob!

Tiago, by the way, can you compile a list of interesting talks from ACL for us?

Thank you!

And yes, working the the ACL community, particularly with SIGGEN, would be great! I probably should write an email to their mailing list. Anyone who has experience with SIGGEN willing to check the mail for tone? I'd like to make a good impression.


On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 4:03 AM Tiago Timponi Torrent <tiago.torrent@ufjf.edu.br> wrote:
Hi, Chris, hi all

As a linguist computational linguist I couldn’t agree more! The good news is that this year’s ACL had a great collection of papers discussing precisely how to bring Linguistics back into Comp Ling especially in what regards meaning. By the end of this week they should make all the video recorded presentations accessible to those who did not register for the conference. Then I’ll send some links for those papers I think may be of interest to this group here.



Em qui, 9 de jul de 2020 às 07:50, Chris Cooley <chris.cooley.mail@gmail.com> escreveu:
To preface, an opportunity I see with this project given its particular nature (open, potential of large-scale collaboration) is to be able to engage with language in a manner more founded in a linguistic tradition (like a FrameNet) than many other NLX projects.

> Well, there is a whole research community at the crossroad between
computer science and lingustics with Computational Linguistics. The
annual ACL conference is taking place just this week:
https://acl2020.org/ The CL community may have its own quirks but at
least an understanding of both linguistic problems and issues of
technical implementations should be there.

I think it is important to involve the computational linguistics community because they have much of the experience in natural language generation. However, I think it is also important to involve red-blooded linguists and linguist computational linguists when discussion of theory and linguistic problems come into play. There is much of computational linguistics that is quite divorced from linguistics and the linguistic tradition in general.


Chris Cooley

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 4:54 AM Jakob Voß <jakob.voss@gbv.de> wrote:
Denny Vrandečić wrote:

> Accordingly, when I talk with the professors and
> researchers in this area, also about the proposal here, they are more
> focussed on specific issues, and don't know that much about the
> concrete systems (which is understandable - the flow from research to
> practical systems is a more established flow in many areas). Never
> mind that when you get to the linguistic side of it, instead of the
> computer science part, there are even more competing theories, many
> of which are aimed toward much more encompassing goals and are about
> covering the whole of language and natural language understanding,
> which we want to be shying away from.

Well, there is a whole research community at the crossroad between
computer science and lingustics with Computational Linguistics. The
annual ACL conference is taking place just this week:
https://acl2020.org/ The CL community may have its own quirks but at
least an understanding of both linguistic problems and issues of
technical implementations should be there.

> As mentioned by Chris Cooley, the goal will be to create a new wiki,
> a library of functions, that can support any of these approaches. My
> dream would be - and I see that Chris had already suggested that -
> that experts like you and your colleagues create an overview of the
> state of the art that will be accessible to the community and that
> will allow us to make a well-informed decision when the time comes as
> to which path to explore first.

I cannot force anyone how to organize references to scholarly publications
and software artifacts but I would at least recommend to use Wikidata to
do so.
We can get nice overviews with Scholia, once the references are collected
and organized in Wikidata. The current coverage of natural language
however is rather shallow:


Even if Wikidata is not the best tool to collect references, it will
surely play
some kind of role in Abstract Wikipedia, so it makes sense to get used
to it.


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Abstract-Wikipedia mailing list
Tiago Timponi Torrent
PPG-Linguística - FrameNet Brasil
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
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