I'm not sure where you're getting the numbers from; there are over 200,000 lexemes in Wikidata, with roughly a dozen languages having at least thousands of entries. Obviously it's incomplete, but quite a lot of effort has gone into it already. For most nouns, a sense can be linked to a regular Wikidata item that is about a particular concept (and this has been done in at least several languages for 10's of thousands of cases now, but again much more work is needed). One helper tool available to link lexeme senses and regular conceptual (language-independent) items is MachtSinn: https://machtsinn.toolforge.org/ - pick a language you know and help out!


On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 2:51 PM Andy <borucki.andrzej@gmail.com> wrote:
I see, Wikidata has also lexicographical data.
I think Wikidata lexemes are more computer readable that WIktionary lexemes. But also definitions of lexemes should be Abstract graphes?
At the moment only about 10 thousands lexemes. I don’t see translations lexemes to other languages. One sense can be translated to lexem in other language or sens of lexem in  other language/ For example I want add Polish “zamek” and give translate link from “lock” to “zamek” but not “zamek” as “castle” or “zip”. (Polish “zamek” = English: castle,lock,zip)
Lexicographical data are also in wikidata dump? (it will be well, if can download dump only lexicographical data + properties because dump of all Wikidata is huge)
Because number of WIkidata lexemes is relatively little, might be better new set of lexemes, all definitions would be graph-structured as other articles in Abstract WIkipedia and even definitions would have additional information, rules for automatic recognizing sense from context of unstructured text for many languages (but these rules is difficult problem). If we definie noun lexem "band" it can be music group or material belt, For WSD Is needed special rules for analysing context, because Lesk algorithm and its  modifications practically not works.
For example
Let consider sentence: "Each band member wore a band."
we must know, that:
1. group of people have members
2. material belt can be worn, not music group
or / and
1. are group of persons, active
2. passive
Is obvious for humans but
this is very not clear from the definitions.
It is difficult problem, because if even we write rules as above, computer can't apply its to the sentence.
I don;t know, if rules are possible, anyway, it will be well if definitions will be also in structured graph form, whivh can be automatic translate to other languages.

Best regards,

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